I personally believe that a flipped classroom is a great idea, but, I think it is something very hard to bring into the classroom and begin to introduce it to the students. It limits the amount of time a teacher has in the classroom since no work can really be be sent home. Also, it can be hard since it requires that teachers use more ideas for activities rather then busy work. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRvmjjeZ9CA Open education is a great way for dedicated learners to continue to learn without paying but without receiving a grade or degree. This is also beneficial for teachers to use since they can use lessons that are open in their own classroom to help in their delivery of info for maybe a difficult topic or tricky subject to teach without certain materials. Also it could be beneficial for a student who wants to learn more outside of the classroom or need clarification on a subject. One website that is full of open lessons is https://www.teacher.org/lesson-plans/ ...
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