Blog #1
What influences teachers/students to use technology in the classroom varies per person, year, location, etc. For most teachers they're guided by the ITSE standards for the use of technology in the class room and attempting to meet the common core standards for each year. There are also times where teachers are forced to use technology in certain concepts or have students where technology has to be used to assist in teaching. Students are influenced to use technology in the classroom by teachers giving them assignments such as a powerpoint, google docs, edmodo, etc. Also, today in technology some students (such as myself) prefer to use technology for things, such as notes, rather then paper and pen.
As someone hopefully going into education the ISTE standards are of major interest to me. One standard that is meaningful to me is, "Students recognize the rights, responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world, and they act and model in ways that are safe, legal and ethical." This one is important to me since I primarily want to work with elementary ed and hope to teach the students at a young age how to be safe online since they will be just starting with technology. One standard that seems out of my reach right now is, "Educators facilitate learning with technology to support student achievement of the ISTE Standards for Students." This is because I don't truly understand how to incorporate technology into a lesson for younger students yet since I didn't use a lot of technology in school until middle school.
Personally, I agree strongly with the term "digital native" for todays youth. Going out to dinner I would see 4 year olds with a phone in front of them rather then talking to their families. Though there're many children who are raised without technology so school might be their first exposure to it but the vast majority have seen it before wether it be a cellphone or laptop. Throughout my schooling I have noticed that some of my teachers lacked the understanding of social media but many of my younger teachers seemed more tech savvy than me. The teachers that lacked some technology knowledge taught the same way they just altered how the taught( paper handouts rather then a link on google classroom.) I expect to one day have some students correct me on my technology usage but since I plan on going into elementary ed. I don't expect many to be advanced.
As someone hopefully going into education the ISTE standards are of major interest to me. One standard that is meaningful to me is, "Students recognize the rights, responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning and working in an interconnected digital world, and they act and model in ways that are safe, legal and ethical." This one is important to me since I primarily want to work with elementary ed and hope to teach the students at a young age how to be safe online since they will be just starting with technology. One standard that seems out of my reach right now is, "Educators facilitate learning with technology to support student achievement of the ISTE Standards for Students." This is because I don't truly understand how to incorporate technology into a lesson for younger students yet since I didn't use a lot of technology in school until middle school.
Personally, I agree strongly with the term "digital native" for todays youth. Going out to dinner I would see 4 year olds with a phone in front of them rather then talking to their families. Though there're many children who are raised without technology so school might be their first exposure to it but the vast majority have seen it before wether it be a cellphone or laptop. Throughout my schooling I have noticed that some of my teachers lacked the understanding of social media but many of my younger teachers seemed more tech savvy than me. The teachers that lacked some technology knowledge taught the same way they just altered how the taught( paper handouts rather then a link on google classroom.) I expect to one day have some students correct me on my technology usage but since I plan on going into elementary ed. I don't expect many to be advanced.
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