
Showing posts from August, 2017

Blog set up

My prior experience with technology is a fairly long list due to the fact that my HS required several tech classes, including ones that specifically dealt with windows, word, power point, etc. Though I haven't utilized some of my skills for a year or two, I would say that I am understand the common knowledge factors of technology yet I do struggle with the vocabulary. Also, my HS was very tech based so most classes required assignments online and we would have "common assessments" 3 times a year which typically were a power point presentation or a group essay over google docs. My main focus was google docs since my school relied on that for our school email, presentations, group work, sharing docs with our teachers, etc. I also used technology frequently at home and on many occasions had to teach family members how to utilize either a computer, smart phone, digital camera, etc. In this class I hope to learn a broad list of tools to use when I become a teacher. One speci...